Student Education Records and Directory Information

Directory Information

The University makes available, without the consent of a student, only such information as would ordinarily be published in a student directory or other materials intended for public distribution. The University defines directory information as: 

  • Name
  • Current address
  • UChicago email address
  • Telephone listing
  • Photographs
  • Major field of study (including degree program(s) fields, major(s), minor(s), year of study and/or class information)
  • Current registration status
  • Awards and honors
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees
  • Most recent educational agency or institution attended

Graduate and professional school students may request that all of their information be withheld through the “My Information” portlet of the myUChicago portal. In the College students can request to have all of their information withheld by completing a form available in the Office of the Dean of Students in the College. The University may use information which the student has directed be withheld from public release for internal purposes or per exceptions provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Students should be aware that by instructing the University to withhold this information the University and every University official will be unable to confirm any information about a student’s attendance at the University, including the student’s enrollment status, program or degree confirmation, years of attendance or graduation, etc. The student’s name will also not appear in any University published material, including convocation and degree program publications. Because this may have serious consequences for a student’s ability to seek employment or graduate opportunities, students should consider carefully withholding this information. A student with questions about this should direct those questions to the student’s area Dean of Students.

Address Changes

Students are responsible for ensuring that their directory information, including mailing address, is accurate and current, in addition to maintaining accurate emergency contact information. 

The University sends certain official communications by regular mail to the address on file with the University Registrar. Mail returned to the University because the student no longer resides at that address will not be resent and the student will be responsible for any late fees and other administrative action resulting from failure to respond to the mailing.

Most students may update their address information via the “My Information” portlet of the myUChicago portal. Chicago Booth students should update their address using the Chicago Booth portal. International students must also provide a permanent address in their country of citizenship in addition to the U.S. residential address.

Name Changes

Requests for name changes must be submitted to the University Registrar. Detailed information about the name change process can be found on the Registrar website.  

International students wishing to change their names in the University records should contact the Office of International Affairs, prior to submitting a request for name change to the Registrar’s Office, to ensure the proposed change is acceptable.

Graduating students should submit name change requests at least two months before they are expected to graduate.

Preferred Name

Current students can indicate a “preferred” first and/or middle name, which is a name the student wishes to be commonly known as, if different from his or her legal first and/or middle name. A student may change his or her preferred name using myUChicago. The student’s preferred name will only be seen via Class Rosters, Grade Rosters, Chalk, and the Online Directory.

The primary name will continue to be the student’s legal name and will continue to appear on the transcript, diploma, UChicago Card, and any documentation involving financial aid, student accounts, or international student status. Students must continue to use their primary names when conducting official University business.