Student Employment

Students in a full-time registration status are expected to focus their attention and efforts principally on their academic work and additional employment is secondary to their student status. The University will not employ full-time students for more than 20 hours per week during quarters of full-time registration without the express permission of an area Dean of Students or their designee (e.g., in the College, students must seek permission from Enrollment and Student Advancement’s Office of Student Employment). Students may request authorization from their area Dean of Students or designee to work more than 20 hours per week, and exceptions are governed by the policies of individual divisions and schools. Teaching and research are critical to the University's academic enterprise and will therefore be prioritized in considering exceptions. Graduate students in a part-time registration status may be employed by the University without the limitation on the hours worked that are imposed on full-time registered students.  

International students in J-1 or F-1 status should contact the Office of International Affairs with any questions regarding their employment eligibility and to discuss necessary arrangements if they seek to be employed for more than 20 hours per week with approval from an area Dean of Students or designee. For more information please see the employment resources on the Office of International Affairs website.

While employed by the University, the student is covered by the University's human resources (HR) policies and procedures and may be disciplined or terminated from employment for policy noncompliance or inadequate performance. Students bear the responsibility of reviewing the Employee Handbook and becoming acquainted with the University's HR policies, all of which are available online at HR’s webpage.

While employed at the University, the student may see personal or confidential information, including HR records, student records, donor and alumni information and, if employed at the Medical Center, patient records. Confidential information a student learns at work must remain confidential. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information may result in discipline, including termination and student disciplinary charges. 

Before accepting a position, a student should understand the duties and responsibilities of the position, noting that instructional positions at the University of Chicago are generally in person (see Remote Teaching Policy). A student employee is expected to follow payroll procedures carefully and to report hours worked accurately and in a timely manner. The student should discuss problems with or questions about the job with the immediate supervisor. A student who decides to leave a job is expected to give the supervisor at least two weeks’ notice.

Some positions at the University are designated as work-study or student-only positions. These positions may not be held by students who are on a leave of absence or separated from the University for any other reason. If a student holding a work-study or other student-designated position takes a leave of absence or becomes a non-registered student, they must inform their supervisor and their area Dean of Students and make arrangements to transition out of the position. 

Questions regarding student employment policies should be addressed to the student's supervisor, area Dean of Students, or Enrollment and Student Advancement’s Office of Student Employment.