Dependent Privileges

Privileges may be extended to a student's spouse/same-gender domestic partner and/or dependent child(ren) for the following:

  • Access to the University Student Health Insurance Plan (U-SHIP)
  • Reduced membership rates for access to the recreational facilities
  • Access to campus libraries (spouses/same-gender domestic partners only)
  • Receive a University ID card (spouses/same-gender domestic partners only)

If a student wishes to enroll their spouse/same-gender domestic partner and/or child(ren) in U-SHIP, the student will need to complete the online U-SHIP enrollment process each academic year for each individual needing insurance coverage by the appropriate deadlines. Students will be informed by the insurance carrier of any documentation needed to verify dependent status. 

In order to obtain access to recreational facilities, libraries, and/or ID cards, the student will need to present appropriate documentation (e.g., marriage license, proof of civil union, or approved Statement of Domestic Partnership for partnerships registered prior to July 1, 2017) at the appropriate office below:

  • Athletics and Recreation - Ratner Athletic Center, 5530 South Ellis Ave., Front Desk
  • Library and ID card - Regenstein Library, ID Privileges Office, 1100 East 57th St., 1st floor (student must accompany spouse/same-gender domestic partner and the student’s library account must be in good standing)

A student must be married or be in a civil union in order to receive privileges for their spouse or partner. Following the landmark 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing same sex marriage, the University revised its same-gender domestic partner privileges policy to reflect the change in law.  As such, privileges will be extended to a student’s same-gender domestic partner only if the domestic partnership was registered with the University (via Human Resources or Campus and Student Life) prior to July 1, 2017.