Disciplinary processes will proceed for anyone who has been matriculated at the University whether or not they are in residence and for anyone after graduation but only if the misconduct occurred before the degree was awarded. A sanction given to a student not currently in residence takes the form of a condition imposed upon resumption of active status as a student. If a complaint against a student who has applied for graduation has been brought to the attention of the area Dean of Students or the Associate Dean of Students in the University for Disciplinary Affairs but an Area or University Disciplinary Committee has not yet been convened by graduation time, the Dean of Students or the Faculty Chair of the University-wide Disciplinary Committee has the discretion and authority to decide whether the accused student may receive the degree and/or participate in convocation. When an Area or University Disciplinary Committee has been convened by the graduation date but the proceedings have not concluded, the accused student's graduation shall be postponed until the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings including the completion of all sanctions.
The University respects the privacy of student education records and the laws protecting that privacy. The University also recognizes that participants in the Area and University-wide student disciplinary systems, namely complainant, accused(s), and members of the Area and University-wide Disciplinary Committees, may benefit from broader access to information before, during, and after a hearing. Such broader access often streamlines the disciplinary process, fosters a more complete and fair understanding of the facts, and leads to more satisfying outcomes.
If a student is accused of academic fraud and the regulations of external sponsors are involved as determined by the Office of the Provost, the allegations are subject to the University's policy on academic fraud. The inquiry will be conducted, in accordance with the external sponsor's regulations governing scientific misconduct, by the department chair or Academic Dean of the academic unit in which the academic fraud allegedly occurred in collaboration with the Dean of Students of the academic area of the accused student. During this fact-finding phase, the accused student generally will continue to be registered as a student and enjoy all privileges pertaining to their status as a student. If the inquiry determines that there is sufficient basis to continue the investigation, the University's Standing Committee on Academic Fraud will be informed and the academic fraud investigation procedures will be initiated. Allegations of academic fraud that involve dissertations of students who have received their degrees, or work published or submitted for publications also are subject to the University's academic fraud procedures. If the academic fraud inquiry concludes in the dismissal of the allegation, the academic unit may decide that this alleged student misconduct should be heard by an Area Disciplinary Committee. All other allegations of academic fraud by a student will be subject to the area disciplinary system.
A student who has been suspended or expelled is also barred from all University property for the period of the suspension or expulsion, absent written permission from the area Dean of Students or the Associate Dean of Students in the University for Disciplinary Affairs. While employment by the University is not an exclusive right or privilege of students, in cases in which employment is reserved for students or students are given preference in employment, the fact of suspension or expulsion may adversely affect status as an employee. Further, the University is entitled to take into account the grounds on which sanctions have been imposed, as these may bear on qualifications for employment.
The outcome of disciplinary proceedings for an allegation of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense will be disclosed to the alleged victim upon a written request from the victim or the next of kin if the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense.
Under federal law crimes of violence include arson; assault offenses (aggravated assault, simple assault, intimidation); burglary; non-criminal homicide (manslaughter by negligence); criminal homicide (murder and non-negligent manslaughter); destruction, damage or vandalism of property; kidnapping/abduction; robbery; and forcible sex offenses. Forcible sex offenses are defined as any sexual act directed against another person forcibly or against that person's will, or not forcibly or against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent. Forcible sex offenses include rape, sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling. Non-forcible sex offenses are incest and statutory rape.
Maintaining the confidentiality of the disciplinary proceedings and their outcome is the responsibility of the accused student, complainant and all others participating in or privy to those proceedings. Unless disclosure is authorized by law, failure to respect the confidentiality of the proceedings and their outcome may result in disciplinary action. However, consistent with federal law, the University does not require alleged victims of sex offenses (forcible or non-forcible) to maintain the confidentiality of the outcome of the disciplinary proceeding regarding those alleged offenses.
These disciplinary procedures do not preclude the application of other policies.