While the University respects the freedoms and rights of every individual, there remains an expectation for all who interact on campus that their behavior be guided by the principles outlined in the ‘Civil Behavior in a University’ section.
The primary function of a university is to discover and disseminate knowledge by means of research and teaching. To fulfill this function, a free interchange of ideas is necessary not only within the University but also with the larger society. At the University of Chicago, freedom of expression is vital to our shared goal of the pursuit of knowledge. Such freedom comes with a responsibility to welcome and promote this freedom for all, even in disagreement or opposition.
The right of freedom of expression at the University includes peaceful protests and orderly demonstrations. At the same time, the University has long recognized that the right to protest and demonstrate does not include the right to engage in conduct that disrupts the University's operations or endangers the safety of others. University Statute 21 states:
“Disruptive conduct is conduct by any member of the University community that substantially obstructs, impairs, or interferes with: (i) teaching, study, research, or administration of the University, including UCMC’s clinical mission; (ii) the authorized and other permissible use of University facilities, including meetings of University students, faculty, staff, administrators, and/or guests; or (iii) the rights and privileges of other members of the University community. Any member of the University who engages in disruptive conduct will be subject to disciplinary action. Disruptive conduct includes but is not limited to (1) obstruction, impairment, or interference with University sponsored or authorized activities or facilities in a manner that is likely to or does deprive others of the benefit or enjoyment of the activity or facility and (2) use or threatened use of force against any member of the University community or his or her family that substantially and directly bears upon the member's functions within the University.”
The University is committed to complying with applicable non-discrimination laws, including but not limited to Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, in its programs and activities, including in the administration, application, and enforcement of its Protest and Demonstration Policy, and disciplinary systems applicable to reported violations of the policy. University policy, consistent with federal, state, and local non-discrimination laws, prohibits sexual misconduct and discrimination and harassment on the basis of protected classes, including sex, race, color, national origin, shared ancestry, and status as a person with a disability. For more information, see the University’s Non-Discrimination Statement.
The Dean-on-Call will often be called upon to be present at and monitor protests, demonstrations, and other events on or adjacent to University property. If called upon, the Dean-on-Call will work actively to preserve an environment of spirited and open discourse and debate, allowing for the opportunity to have all participants contribute to intellectual exchange and full participation in an event. In instances of disruptive behavior or violations of University policies, the Dean-on-Call will respond and provide direct instructions to stop disruption, if it is safe to do so. Failure to adhere to directives may result in referral to one or more University disciplinary systems.
For more details on the role of the Dean-on-Call at Protests and Demonstrations, visit the UChicago HELP website at help.uchicago.edu/high-profile-events/protests-and-demonstrations.
All protests and demonstrations held outdoors are subject to the same guidelines outlined in the section Outdoor Events on Campus, under the heading Noise Level.
Participants in protests or demonstrations must comply with occupancy limits and not compromise the general safety of the University community in the space used. Please see Building Occupancy Limits and Access. Adherence to building closures is expected of people participating in a protest or demonstration within a University building and University officials will require protestors or demonstrators to promptly leave at the time of building closure.
The use of placards, banners, and signs at protests and demonstrations generally is allowed but may not be dangerous for others or impede the participation of others in the life of the University. If the University deems the use of placards, banners, or signs to be dangerous or impede the participation of others, University officials will require the individuals carrying the placards, banners, or signs to move to a different location or remove their materials.
To further the effectiveness of their event, organizations and other groups of students organizing a protest or demonstration are encouraged to make advance arrangements with the staff of the Student Centers, the Center for Leadership and Involvement (CLI) and/or their appropriate Recognized Student Organization (RSO) Advisor. Advance notification enables the University to help ensure that the event takes place in a constructive and peaceable manner.
When possible, a request to hold a protest or demonstration should be submitted at least 48 hours before the start of the event to ensure its successful execution. With the appropriate advance notice, University staff together with the Dean-on-Call will engage with student protestors and demonstrators during the event to help assure that the event is effective, to ensure participants’ safety, and to assist organizers in seeing that the demonstration does not disrupt the normal functioning of the University. For events occurring on city sidewalks and streets adjacent to the University, students should make appropriate arrangements to acquire city permits and should adhere to city ordinances and applicable state and federal law.
Please see the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Protest and Dissent for additional information regarding the principles that govern protests and demonstrations on campus.
Protests and demonstrations normally are permitted until or unless University officials determine that University operations, especially instruction and research, have been compromised and/or the rights of others have been significantly infringed.
A protest, demonstration, or event on campus may invite another form of protest. When these occasions arise, the expression of all parties is important. Counter-protestors should not engage in actions that deprive others from participating in, benefiting from, and enjoying an activity or event. Counter-protestors should not impinge on space reserved or authorized by the University for use by another group for an event or activity and should not interfere with signs, installations, and other materials associated with the event or activity. A separate protest area may be designated by Campus and Student Life or the Dean-on-Call for those persons with views that differ from the views held by the event organizers. To ensure the safety of all participants, the University Police Department may require the attendance of one or more officers.
All people participating in protests and demonstrations must provide a form of University issued or government issued identification upon request from a University official. Refer to the ChicagoCard policy for more details.
Application of the Protests and Demonstrations policy does not preclude the application of other University policies or regulations as may be warranted by a given situation, e.g., Authority to Direct, ChicagoCard policy, use of the Dean-on-Call program, and University Disciplinary Systems. Furthermore, a protest or demonstration that significantly disrupts the operations of the University or fails to adhere to building closures may lead to arrest and prosecution for violations of City of Chicago ordinances or State or Federal statutes.
Alcohol & Other Drugs Policy
Center for Leadership and Involvement Alcohol Policy
Authority to Direct
Building Occupancy Limits & Access
ChicagoCard Policy
Civil Behavior in a University Setting
Disciplinary System for Disruptive Conduct
No Trespass (Ban) Policy
Policy on Firearms, Other Lethal Weapons, Fireworks and Dangerous Objects and Materials
Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct
Sanctions by Administrative Departments
Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“Drones”)